



The success of the children's party

It looks like a fun activity to plan a toddler's birthday but in real it can be tiresome if proper planning is not done. So, here are some tried and tested, easy birthday celebration ideas with which you can plan a memorable birthday party of your toddler.

Right from birthday party decorations to guest list and menu, there are many things which you will have to keep in mind before you plan the party. Since, the birthday party is for toddlers, make sure to keep the entire party around them. Let us start with some important things: Brazil real estate

Set a budget for the birthday party:

Before planning anything, make sure to set a budget for the birthday party, so that your wallet feels happy too. No doubts your baby's birthday is important but you should not make a hole in the savings you have done for his or her education or the funds you have kept for emergency. Make it a point to plan the birthday in which the expenditure is reasonable.

Decide upon the venue:

A home party for toddlers will be the best, but if you have a compact apartment and you think that your mini guests will not get ample space to play, you can plan the party in your garden. If you don't have a garden and there is an issue with the space, you can try a venue which is toddler friendly. You can take help from your friends and family for deciding upon the venue. Ask for discounts and make a list of facilities you will get.

Make a list of guest:

Always make a list of your guests and take RSVP from them beforehand. It is the best way to get an idea of how many expected guests will be attending the party. Since it is a toddler Birthday party, make sure your little guests are accompanied with their parents.

Keep the Birthday party decoration alluring for kids:

You can use balloons, cartoon characters, cute accessories for children, colorful set up and ribbons to decorate the venue. The sitting arrangement should also be cute and comfortable for children. You can use small chairs, low height sofa or even a low sitting arrangement, so that the kids can comfortably sit, play and enjoy together.

Menu should be according to children:

Menu is an important thing from the birthday celebration ideas of children. Keep the menu simple, attractive, cute and in small portions. Children love sweets so you can get different type of sweets for them and serve in plates. Marsh mellows, small cupcakes, homemade cookies or customized cookies will grab their attention. Some fruit puddings and fruit juice without ice will also be a huge hit among children.

Involve them in activities:

It is very tough to manage toddlers partying together. Trust me, if you will not engage them in some activity, they will neither enjoy nor will let you in peace. So, the best way is to plan some simple games, engage them in dance, songs and poems. You can also trick the children with some games where winners will get prize. They will for sure love to participate in coloring games, clay or block games. So not forget to give your little guests some return gifts.

To help the patients out of addiction

Coping with addiction in family is a tough call. Seeing your loved one going through mental and physical pain, and you not being able to help can worsen the situation. To ensure that you work as a rock to strengthen your relationship with the addiction patient, it is vital to enroll him/her to one of the best drug rehab centers. However, despite finding one of the best rehab centers, there is no guarantee that the addict would come out clean and never look back. So what is it that you can do to ensure life-long sobriety for your loved one Thailand real estate?

Possibility of a relapse is there is all kinds of drug rehab addiction treatments. Yet there are certain do's and don'ts that you need to follow in order to maximize chances of complete sobriety. Have a look at some of these points and help a friend or relative through their journey from an addict to a sober person.

The DON'Ts

1. Do not blame, ridicule or shame the patient for the addiction - A drug addiction patient already has low self esteem, and blaming that person for the problems would only exacerbate the condition. You must ensure that you don't treat the patient unfairly in front of others or alone.

2. Do not use force or threat to convince the patient for a recovery program - The mental health of a drug addict is very fragile. Threatening that person, hitting him/her or using force to take them to the drug rehab centers will weaken the mental condition even more Turkey real estate.

3. Do not cover up the mistakes of the patient - While embarrassing the person or shaming them publically is not recommended, you should also not cover up their mistakes. Instead, you should let them own up their mistakes and see the consequences of their actions.

4. Do not be impatient if the addiction treatment takes longer to show results - Addiction recovery is a long drawn process. It may take months before the addict actually overcomes the urge to get back to drugs. This period requires you to keep your patience and continue to support your loved one during this difficult yet fruitful journey.

5. Do not let the patient do it alone - The love and support of family and friends is what keeps the patient motivated towards recovery. You must ensure that you are by their side throughout the drug rehab addiction treatment.

The DO's

1. Recognize addiction as a disease that can treated - When you believe that drug addiction is a disease that your loved one did not wish to be inflicted with, you know it can be treated. Just like any other disease, medically-supervised treatment makes addiction curable, helping the patient get back to the normal life.

2. Try to learn more about addiction and the treatments available - The more you learn about addiction, the better you will be in fighting with this disease. It is always good to read about, discuss it with other addicts' families, meet the counselors, etc. to better understand addiction and what kind of treatment works best.

3. Set realistic expectations from the patient and the treatment - Being positive and hopeful throughout the treatment is very important. But you must not set targets too high to be achieved in a given period of time. You must keep the expectations realistic, so that you aren't left disappointed in the end.

4. Learn the art of detachment - Residential programs are one of the most effective drug rehab addiction treatments offered by most drug rehab centers. These programs require the patient to stay within the rehab facility and away from their homes. This means that you would no longer be able to see your loved one as often as you did. By practicing detachment, you would be in a better condition to cope with it.

5. Participate in family programs that are included in the recovery program - At many drug rehab centers, family programs are key to successful recovery. You must ensure that you actively participate in these programs and lend your support to your loved one at all times real estate philippines.

By staying prepared for this tough journey would put you in a better position and give you the power to help your loved one recover from the addiction disease.

We Need to Give Kate Middleton Some Space

My son's birth lasted roughly 56 hours and ended in a C-Section. He was big, sunny-side up, and wasn't coming out without some serious assistance. I have a lot of photos from my son's birth, but Karel does not prominently figure into them since she looked like a sad, gray zombie who had been up for over two days before having a major surgery buying property in Malaysia.
My daughter's birth was much easier. We'd kicked around the idea of having a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section), but my wife and her doctors decided it was too risky once my daughter showed signs of line-backerism in utero. We had a planned c-section and everything went very smoothly and we had a happy healthy baby girl.
A few hours later, I began filming my perfect new daughter in our hospital room. I'm carrying her around the room, talking to her, and introducing her to things in the world. Then, I turn the camera on my little girl's perfect mother. Karel looks straight into the camera and groans "bucket," which is a curious thing to groan when you're prominently being featured in a video about the wonders of your new baby. "Buuuuucket," she repeats, at which point her mother hands her a trash can, and she begins vomiting profusely. I can write about it now with Karel's blessing because it's a funny story and only about six of our closest friends and family have seen (or would be interested in seeing) the video real estate property for sale in the Philippines.
It must suck to know that right after you've given birth, the entire world is straining to catch a glimpse of you. Whether you're puking in a bucket, holding your kid for the first time, looking like a gray zombie, having a moment as a new family with your partner and child, or simply just recovering, you should be able to do it without the entire planet watching. Those are some of the most intimate, awkward, embarrassing, and possibly uncomfortable moments in a family's life. No matter who you are, that's not something you need or should be expected to share with the world, at least not until enough time has elapsed that it becomes a funny family story house sale in Thailand.
I feel like the same rules of common decency that apply to everyone else's birth should apply to Kate Middleton as well. It's okay to drop off food and send well wishes; just don't expect to see the mom and kid until they're ready for you.

From The Associated Press

AURORA, Colo. — It is not a small club, the survivors of the shootings at Theater 9.
The Century 16 auditorium was packed — 421 men, women and children who had turned out for a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises." When a bizarre figure, helmeted and clad in black, appeared before them in a cloud of smoke, they reacted with bemusement and amazement, shock and confusion and — finally — horror.

Twelve people died, 70 were injured, and more than 300 fled into the night and into the arms of loved ones.

A year later, the survivors cannot forget their terror, or the injuries they suffered, or their losses. But they search for meaning, and sometimes find it: the victims whose faith has strengthened; the father who lost his son but found a cause; the couple who believe that the anniversary of a hateful act can be transformed by love.

Pierce O'Farrill was sitting a few rows up on the right side of the theater when he saw a tear gas canister fly in front of the movie screen, followed by the silhouette of the gunman and a green laser shining from the scope of one of his weapons.

"My heart just kind of stopped," O'Farrill said. "I can still in my head hear the (gunman's) footsteps. Everything went quiet for me."
A blast from a shotgun hit him in the chest and the left foot as he tried to take cover. Moments later, the gunman came closer and shot him with a .40-caliber pistol, shattering his left arm. The shot barely missed a nerve that controls hand function, doctors told him.

Things we won’t hear in the big climate speech tomorrow

By now all but the hopelessly stupid or deliberately ignorant understand the basics of climate change. Increasing the amounts of a few gases in the atmosphere traps heat and make the planet’s equilibrium temperature higher. The big three are methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and mainly carbon dioxide (CO2): humans are pumping these gases out like there’s no tomorrow – more precisely, as though we were all leaving the planet in a few decades. CO2 is the big one, and it mainly comes from burning coal, oil, natural gas, and forests: if we want the planet to be habitable for the big 2076 parties, that’s what we have to stop doing Bridal makeup course.
These gases are, in effect, pollutants like the gunk in automobile exhaust that made the air in LA brown until we put a stop to it, or the phosphorus in your dish soap that makes algae grow in lakes and rivers, but they have two tragic and pernicious qualities that our familiar pollutants don’t have. First, because they last a long time in the air, and the atmosphere is well mixed with winds, their effects aren’t felt only in the legal jurisdiction in which they are emitted, but everywhere, by everyone. Second, because the processes are slow and easy to miss in the normal variation of weather, Exxon and Consolidation Coal can pay politicians and TV weather reporters to say it isn’t happening, and doing the right, expensive things about climate will not show results we can see before the next election or the one after that
Claire Hsu.

The California government, after some back and forth with the feds, had the capacity to control smog in CA from cars in CA, and the citizens of California compared their benefits of clean air to their costs for cleaner cars, found the former larger, and made themselves better off. People in Singapore are just now enduring smog beyond the worst weeks in the bad old days in Los Angeles; why don’t they fix it? The Singapore government is not diffident about authority: what the Singapore leadership want Singaporeans to do, they do. And they understand economic externalities very well: if you leave a bowl of water on your terrace, in which a mosquito might make a family that transmits dengue from one of your neighbors to another, you will get a very unpleasant taste of government action. But the air in Singapore is not being befouled by Singaporeans: it is being befouled by Indonesians burning down their forests (yes, lots of global warming underway there too) for palm plantations. Indonesia will not see the benefits of clean air in Singapore and Malaysia if it stops, but it will certainly see the costs of selling less palm oil.

Maybe some bilateral diplomacy will put the fires out; maybe Singapore can take Indonesia to the World Court; maybe Singapore can just pay Indonesia to stop burning the forest. Unfair as the last option seems, depending on the price it might still be a good deal for them. But global warming isn’t just a bunch of bilateral externalities across a strait between two neighbors who have each others’ phone numbers, it’s everywhere from everyone, and Prof. Coase would be the first to point out that private deals won’t butter this parsnip. California has put in place a largish set of policies to help stabilize the climate, and I’m proud we’ve done it. But the good we do is immediately diluted about 1:200 [about one human in 200 lives in California], and it’s really hard to find policies with a benefit/cost ratio of two hundred to one, which is what they need to make Californians better off by implenting them. For China and India, it’s easier (but still hard); for my home town, which only has about 1/60,000th of the world’s population, there’s no climate policy that’s net beneficial (unless it has associated payoffs like less traffic or less traditional pollution), and for my family, fuhgeddaboudid.

Climate change is a multi-actor prisoners’ dilemma: for almost all the jurisdictions in the world, taken one-by-one, it’s better on a cold self-interest basis to do nothing about climate, whether you think the rest of the world will step up or you think all those other governments will make the same calculation and do nothing. The Easter Islanders didn’t decide in a town meeting to cut down all their palm trees; they decided tree by tree that “there are lots of palm trees left, cutting down this one won’t hurt much” and then “if I don’t cut down this palm tree and use it, someone else will and I’ll be out of luck…they’re going pretty fast.”

Finally, it’s just so unfair. Burn less coal, and miners with no good economic options in poor areas of West Virginia and Kentucky will be out of work, and these are hardworking people who never wanted to put a bunch of Bangladeshis (or East Side New Yorkers) under water, they just wanted to make an honest living giving folks warm showers and light at night. It’s totally unjust that the Chinese and Indians, just climbing out of poverty, should be denied the industrial century the west got rich in. Unfair cheap office furniture.

Climate stabilization advocates, members of my intellectual and political tribe, are often so discouraged by the foregoing, and so desperate about the feckless response to the disaster we are bequeathing our children, that they point to this or that town whose economy was saved by a windmill factory or some such thing: “green business is good business!” Others are rather desperately clinging to foolishness, like using land we will increasingly need for food and storing carbon in forests to grow motor fuel. I myself desperately want there to be a policy that will fix the climate with no actual heavy lifting by anyone. (And of course the completely cynical or terminally stupid, like John Boehner, will say “let’s not do anything while there’s unemployment and the economy is recovering” today and “let’s not risk our prosperity” when times are better tomorrow.)

If I thought it would work, I might join this chorus and preach that we will all get rich making windmills , but it won’t fly. The facts, that will make themselves known willy-nilly, are that climate stabilization will be very expensive, independently of the asymmetry of costs and benefits (if we go on as we are the Swiss will have to learn to grow coffee and oranges, but those Bangla Deshis will have to find a whole new place to live in a crowded neighborhood). We will have to liquidate enormous capital investments in car-dependent suburbs and coal plants, and we will have to learn to live with less stuff of every kind, and we will deny people who never got to drive cars a future they have every right to. Then we will have to buy enormous amounts of expensive stuff like a smart electric grid and trains. Habits and aspirations that almost reach the level of identity definition will have to be abandoned, like driving wherever we want alone and parking free when we get there, and living in a big house with rooms we hardly ever sit in.

The only future more expensive and painful than a carbon-free one is the only other one on the table. The honest framing of Obama’s speech tomorrow – which may not be the most useful or effective one – is that of Churchill’s ‘blood, toil, tears and sweat’ address, and, my fellow Americans, we may do our best and pay a lot of dues and still lose the battle, whether because the old men who run China are more afraid of street riots this year than world economic collapse after they are dead, or because the Koch Brothers and their pals have oil in the ground they haven’t sold yet, or because our broken Congress can’t stop obsessing about abortions and hating Obama. Can you say the words existential threat? Well, climate change is an existential threat to human civilization, which is pretty serious – but climate stabilization is an existential threat to the wealth and status of very powerful people, and now you’re talking consequential, baby. Existential threats are toxic to thinking straight.

Damon Runyon was partly right: everything in life is six to five against…but some propositions have much worse odds. Climate change is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced, not only technically (that’s actually the easy part) but also politically, psychologically, economically, and morally. It’s unfair in many ways, but mostly because it’s come upon us before we have developed the institutions that would enable us to confront it.


